Well hello internet, long time no see! As you’ve probably noticed I’ve been more than a little MIA lately. I could chalk this up to the excitement of a big move, the fact that I’ve kind of been working 2 jobs, my near constant stream of house guests (love you dad!! Lol), or the unchartered territory of trying to keep my much larger than I’m used to house clean and tidy – But the reality is, I just haven’t felt the urge to type away. You know when you get super into a Netflix series and then it ends and you’re like “ok….but now what do I do with my life?” Well, that’s kind of how I am feeling at the moment. I have the man of my dreams, the house of my dreams, a steady income, and tons of free time. So, what’s left? Well, I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out, but in the mean time I finally got the urge to kick on my computer. So here it is, my much awaited, highly anticipated return to blogging. Lol, dream big kids. :p
For many people, a big part of the joy of visiting
Now, if you are looking at your screen right now thinking to yourself that I am crazy, just know you are not alone. I too was once perplexed by the idea of doing
So how did I end up alone at Disney ?
It started innocently enough, boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl – whoops! Wrong article! But seriously, this is kind of how it happened for me. My boyfriend, while amazing and willing to go anywhere and do anything I want, is not a
My first solo trip to Disneyland was in late November. I drove the boy to LAX from San Diego, so that he could fly back home (what up KY!?) for Thanksgiving. It felt morally unethical as an annual passholder to be so close to home and not stop bye to say “hi” to Mickey. His flight left at 6:00am, so we left SD around 3:00am. Surprisingly enough, no one wanted to get up at 3:00am to take my boyfriend to the airport with me! (So rude, I know). Armed with my AP, some walking shoes, and an open mind I decided to go it alone.
What’s it like to go to
In a word, amazing. There are some distinct advantages to doing
Hello Single Rider Bliss
Remember how concerned you were that there would be no one to talk to while you were waiting in those notoriously long lines? Well, have I got some good news for you my friend. Two words, four syllables: Single Rider. You know when you go with a group of 3 or 5 people, and there’s an empty seat in the ride car? Single Rider lines fill that seat. The catch about this trick is that, if you are with a group and try to do Single Rider to cut your wait know that your group will be broken up into different cars. If you do not have kids in your party, or everyone in your group has been before, this is a great strategy. In fact it’s the basis to my guide to California Adventures. It works even better when you are all by your lonesome though, because you don’t have to worry about your group being separated.
Splash Mountain, over, and over, and over
Splash mountain is one of those rides that allows you to do single rider. Even when I go with my usually party, I typically end up doing SR. My cousin is terrified of the ride and my boyfriend isn’t keen on the notion of walking around in wet shorts all day. However, when it’s just me myself and I, I can ride it over and over again with no line and no one complaining they want to do something else.
In fact, one of my favorite things about the solo trip is that you do whatever YOU want to do. You don’t have to worry about height restrictions, or being bogged down by someone who forgot to eat breakfast and needs to stop, or a bad temperament. It’s just you, and if you want to ride Roger Rabbit like Christmas Vacation on December 24th (constantly over and over), than you do it.
Your Schedule on Your Time
Perhaps though, you prefer to take your time and enjoy the sights and sounds, the amazing snacks, and general ambiance that is
When I go to
But solo, it’s your schedule. You can go full steam ahead, like me, if that’s what you prefer. Or if I’m making you feel anxious just reading about
You’re Not Really Alone
I know, I know. I keep saying solo and you drove (or flew) there on your own, sure. But, there are so many people at
Go When You Want
Of course, you can visit
Give it A Chance
I love visiting
So treat yo self, as the kids say, and spend the day your way on your next trip to
Got questions about how to make the most of your trip? Curious how I got started blogging? Interested in knowing how my cats are settling in at the new house? Shoot me an e-mail, Rebecca@MySoCalStyle.net, or hit me up on Facebook.
Drop a line in the comments and let me know what’s your biggest concern about a solo trip!
Hi Tracey!
I’m so glad to hear you’re taking the plunge for a solo trip! You are going to have the absolute best time! I think the best thing I learned on my first solo was to not be afraid to talk to others. Everyone is there for the same good time and appreciation of the parks. You never know who you might meet!
I’d love to hear all about your trip and what your favorite part was!
Have fun!
Rebecca Higinbotham
I am hoping to go on a solo Disneyland trip in the near future and your blog made even more excited to start booking everything! Thanks 😊